
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Additional Saturday Ride

At last Tuesday’s committee meeting we briefly discussed introducing an Additional Saturday Ride. This came about because a number of members have indicated that they would be interested in a ride on Saturdays which had the following features:

An 8:30 start. This would operate from March 1st to October 31st. A distance of 50/60 miles

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Allan’s Ultra and Simon’s Significant Birthday

(L to R) Geoff, Allan, Will and Simon enjoy the cream teas to celebrate Simon’s 60th.

It’s chapeaux to Southport CC chairman Allan Taylor for achieving legendary status amongst the nation’s Audax fraternity. On Friday Allan completed a Randonneur Round the Year (RRTY), for the tenth time, which makes him an Ultra RRTY,

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Peter Gawthorne rules the Audax

The Audax season finished on 31st September with SouthportCC finishing in 8th position in the Audax Club Chapmpionship table at 317 points ( Representing 31,700kms ridden in Audax events in the year – NB 7 clubs above us are specialist Audax clubs/affiliations with many more riders than ourselves.) Contributing riders were:

Pete Gawthorne (105)

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Allan Rides the National 400km -25/26th July

In January a trip to the Highlands of Scotland in July held the promise of riding through beautiful scenery and good weather with the midges the only possible downside. So the caravan site in Dingwall was booked and preparations continued over the months leading up to the event scheduled for the 25th and 26th of

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A Pair of Kirtons for Allan

600km Audax ride 6th /7th June

Track of route from Garmin

Span between main towers is 1.4 km

Kirton in Lindsey and Kirton near Boston were the “Kirtons” on this 600km calendar event which I completed over the week end of the 6th/ 7th June. With 40 hours to complete the

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Barking Mad on the highest road in Yorkshire

Allan, Steve , Simon and Will ride the 212k Fleet Moss Audax on 17th May

Tea and Scones and never mind the cobbles

The rather posh ladies in our rather twee Dent Control stop café, The Stone Close, thought it “a little windy” for cycling around the Dales. But we had already done

Continue reading Barking Mad on the highest road in Yorkshire
