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7:00 am SCC Annual Dinner 2024
SCC Annual Dinner 2024
Nov 23 @ 7:00 am – 10:00 am
Saturday 23rd November 7pm. Old Links Golf Club. Three course dinner with coffee and mints is subsidised at £20.00, £10.00 under 18s. Howard Massam is taking names for this year. It is an opportunity to[...]

Club Hill Climbs


The early morning began with winds and torrential rain but thankfully for the 11 am start the bad weather had subsided and passed over making for pleasant conditions with just a slight followingJoe Wilson breeze for the riders.

It was immediately obvious on this occasion the supporters,volunteers and marshals would outnumber the riders reluctantly willing to sign on milling around the back of Alan Stark’s car,who incidentally had already checked out the 1.65 mile course and placed out signage.

Eight riders entered and some for the first time including Melissa Moscrop at 12 years old the youngest competitor. The pre race favourite Joe Wilson was in a buoyant mood and in good form after a long road racing season,not sure about the other competitors but Mike Rimmer was focused and in ‘the zone ‘ and seemed up for it after most of the year half wheeling his clubmates on cafe rides.

Once the watches were synchronised and the race was ready to go and marshals in place it just remained for club supporters already at Dalton Church to be prepared to shout encouragement to the anti gravity grimpeurs.

A large crowd had gathered at the summit outside the now boarded up Prince William pub to cheer the riders across the line with the last lung burning effort.


Well ahead of the field in first place was winner Joe WILSON in a club record time
of 6 minutes 5 seconds a fantastic effort,well done and only a couple of days after his
17th birthday.

The remaining times:

Mike RIMMER..8.15
Neil LAING..8.43
Tom WILLIAMS..8.52
Mark MARSHALL..9.03
Carole JAMES..9.38
Dave MOSCROP..12.12
Melissa MOSCROP..13.04

It has to be said that Melissa was furious when she found out that her dad had beaten her time,rest assured the result will no doubt be reversed next year as she gets stronger.

Once everyone had recovered we adjourned to the nearby Applecast cafe at Cobbs Brow where refreshments had been organised and for the prize presentation.. Medals were presented and returned for engraving to be re-issued at the Club Dinner on November 27th.

Huge thanks to all the officials,marshals,supporters and of course the riders for their valiant efforts on the climb.

See you all next year.

El Prez ??‍


The eagerly expected hype over who would take the coveted trophy this year was between last year’s winner Martin BAILEY, Conor McKinnon, Adam Dillon and Joe Wilson, never really materialised as Joe was unwell and Conor came to support his sister Issy….of course he’s now at Uni and has other issues to deal with.

After a quick check the course was rideable the required signage placed out on the slopes of Col du Ashurst,it was all systems go,save for the raised manhole cover oozing water like Niagara fall,due to the recent downpours., cones placed accordingly.

First of the victims to arrive was the evergreen former champion runner 70 yr old Geoff CATON whose heart rate was now back to normal after the previous day watching his beloved Liverpool team scrape a narrow victory. ,he has been training throughout the year for this event culminating with a trio to the Pyrenees in the Summer and didn’t disappoint.

Slowly but surely all the riders signed on 15 in all,some for the first time including 4 ladies and Alfie Lunt only 12 years old which is the youngest age eligible to compete in a CTT time trial.

Watches calibrated with the first rider off at 11.40am… Irene holding the start watch with Bill LLOYD at the summit with Jim Lee as ‘spotter’ Me at the start line holding up..pushing off not permitted in a hill climb.
No catcher required on this occasion… Something went awry with the clocks and as a result there were some discrepancies with the times which were later rectified by Alan (Time Trial sec) by using the new technological of Strava even that seems suspect.

One way or another with various styles of kit and bikes all 15 riders completed the course..somehow Claudia managed to ride with her rain jacket covering her race number closely followed by coach and mentor Spencer Coltman.

I’m reliably informed by spectators at Dalton church there was lots of huffing and puffing and in some cases even cursing…attending church for divine help might have proved useful.

The outright winner was Martin Bailey with a rime of 6.19 a worthy champion.
1st Lady was Maddy Scott:: 7.31
1st under 18..Adam Dillon::6.52

All the times as follows at the time of printing..

Martin Bailey. ………….6.19
Adam Dillon ………………6.52.6
Maddy Scott……………..7.31.6
Neil Laing …………………7.46.1
Geoff CATON ……………7.50.7
Mike Rimmer……………..7.51.6
Tom Williams……………..8.00.6
Issy McKinnon……………8.24.3
John Edwards…………….8.46.8
Carole James…………….9.11.7
Alan Stark………………….10.52.4
Claudia Trecarichi……….11.07.6
Steve Dillon………………..11.07.6
Gina Bellhouse…………….12.47.8
Alfie Lunt…………………….12.54.6

In my racing days I was always told never to argue or hassle the timekeeper, although on this occasion Bill has apologised for any discrepancies, in any case it doesn’t affect the overall result, maybe next year we will have 2 egg timers!

After the event I guess there must have been about 50 club members, families and supporters who attended the buffet in the Prince William pub which I feel rounds off the event nicely with banter of stories and excuses exchanged over a drink or two and promises and boasts of will go faster next year.

Thanks go to the riders, Marshall’s, supporters and photographers, really appreciated.

The weather stayed fine and reasonably dry with a following wind from Dalton church.

See you all next year and thanks for coming.

El Prez

Click here for 2019 hill climb images


Club Hill Climb SUNDAY 28th OCTOBER 2018

This was the first time the event has been organised as a ‘stand alone ‘ version on the climb at Ashurst,this being due to large numbers of club members away in Mallorca for the usual Inter Club trial.

The morning was was fine and dry with a moderate chilly wind, around 7 degrees.

The assembly of riders at the start near Lees Lane, met with the usual myriad of pre race excuses…I.e..not fit…had a cold…lack of hills etc, but the best one of the day went to Mike Lloyd who had been juggling all week with 40cms width handlebars and cleat position and a 65 mile ride the previous day!

14 riders of mixed ability and ages (14 – 71) faced the start timekeeper Dave Ritchie.
Bill Lloyd holding the finish watch had quickly ascended the climb in his car in time to greet the first rider home.

A lively crowd of family members and supporters was gathered and spectating near to Dalton Church prior to the steeper parts of the climb, James Holloway being the principal photographer, not opting to compete this year…said it was too cold!

The event over, much activity ensued in the car park of the Prince William where times we’re examined and the category awards sorted and confirmed with the timekeepers.

A prize presentation and buffet were held in the hotel,around 50 or so attended and it was good to see members with young families in attendance…

As anticipated the 2 way battle with the favourites ensued with fast rising Junior rider Conor McKinnon and club best all rounder Martin Bailey went as planned with Martin winning in a club record time of 6 mins 10 secs to Conor’s 6 mins 19 secs….both of whom must have benefited from recent training on the hills in Majorca. A number of other riders posted PB’s

I feel the event was a success and I have received positive feedback, which is encouraging and rewarding..

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to support the event and the staff of the Prince William Hotel at the summit for their hospitality.


Rider                              Category                          Time
Martin Bailey  …           V41                                  6.10.1         –  Club Record
Conor McKinnon…       Junior                            6.19.0
Simon Deeley..              V40                                 7.03.5
Neil Wright……             Senior                             7.16.7
David Unsworth..         Junior                            7.26.3
Maddy Scott……            Female                          7.38.0
Mike Lloyd……..            V 44                               7.38.1
Joe Wilson…….             Youth                             7.42.9
Anthony Clampas…     V52                                 8.07.3
Mark Marshall….         V50                                 8.08.8
Adam Dillon….             Youth                             8.17.5
Issy McKinnon ..          Female Youth              8.18.6
Alan Stark..                   V71                                 11.07.3
Claudia Trecharici.      Female                          11.30.0

Category winners:-

Winner……Martin Bailey
Fastest lady …….Maddie Scott
Fastest Vet…Simon Deeley  ( one rider one prize rule applied)
Fastest Junior…Conor McKinnon
Youth male….Joe Wilson
Youth female…Issy McKinnon

El Prez

( edited A Stark)


SCC / Merseyside Wheelers Inter Club Hill Climb Report 2017

By Colin Baldwin

18 hardy souls from the club traversed the gradient today, with some really encouraging times, the event is held under CTT rules,so motors, drugs and cheating are forbidden!

Once again the McKinnon family were well represented with Dad Andy, Issy and Conor who all improved on last year’s times with Conor recording an impressive 6-37 to place second only to the winner Elliot Gough in 6-35, who has begun the Autumn with cyclo-cross already in full flow in the mud, congratulations to him.??

Have to mention Martin Bailey who was unlucky to shed his chain just as he was putting the power down, he finished with a creditable 6-44, the mechanical probably cost him the victory.?.

At the other end of the field was our club stalwart Alan Stark who at 70yrs of age is still turning a nifty pedal and recorded 11-10, not quite the Lantern Rouge.

New lady club rider Carole James a seasoned triathlon athlete stopped the clock at 10-50. The weather was mild with only very light wind and the road in parts has been re-surfaced which made for favourable conditions.

Big thanks to Merseyside Wheelers (my old club in the 1970’s) John Clarke and our own Bill Lloyd for timekeeping.

A well supported local event with lots of encouragement from non-racing members..thanks to all…see you next year.

El Prez ??

Click here for 2017 Results


SCC / Merseyside Wheelers Inter Club Hill Climb Report 2016

By Ian Bailey – Edited by Mike Lloyd

On the Sunday 2nd October the Merseyside Wheelers / Southport Cycling Club Inter Club Hill Climb took place once again on the 1.7 mile Ashurst Beacon course. Those involved were greeted with near perfect conditions with a dry, sunny and windless autumn day.

Riders were able to sign on from 11am and the first rider was off at 11.36am. On the day 34 riders challenged themselves to try to be the fastest up from the start at Lees Lane to the Prince William Pub. Not the steepest hill climbing course at an average of 4.6% gradient but longer than many hills local to Lancashire and nearest to Southport Ashurst Beacon provides an excellent backdrop and safe riding conditions for the trial.

Timekeepers Southport’s Bill Lloyd and Stuart Dale from Prescot Eagles CC voluntarily oversaw the event together with course marshals from both Merseyside Wheelers and Southport Cycling Club. Eleven clubs were represented on the day with Southport fielding 12 competitors including a great number of junior and youth riders.

Thomas Hanlon from Harry Middleton CC took first place with a time of 6’03”40” second fastest was Daniel Gibson of Inspire VC UK in 6’25”10” closely followed by Joe Hanlon again from HMCC in 6’26”30”. Neil Wright was once again the fastest rider from Southport CC with a time of 6’40”, winning the SCC Hill Climb Trophy for the second year on the run. Fastest woman was Helen Aldred from Liverpool Phoenix CC in 7’28”40” heading up the five lady finishers on the day including a fantastic effort by Isabelle Mackinnon from Southport CC who posted the fastest Junior girl’s time of 9’35”50”. Fastest junior was Liam Keefe also from Southport CC with a time of 7’45”00’.

Well done to all the riders, marshals and well wishers who came to watch and enjoy this great traditional yearly event, chapeau!

Click here for results 

Click here for pictures
