
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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9:00 am Ride to the Iron Men
Ride to the Iron Men
Jan 1 @ 9:00 am
Annual Ride to the Iron Men. Club house start. Start time TBC.

AGM 2018

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting

Here are the draft minutes of the AGM in 2017. They will need to be approved at the next AGM.


Annual General Meeting Agenda 2018_V1

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting

At the Club Room, Rotten Row
Monday 10th December 2018 at

  1. To record Apologies for Absence
  2. To approve the Minutes of Meeting of the Annual General Meeting on Monday 11th December 2017
  3. Matters Arising from the last meeting


  1. To approve the reports from the Chairman and Committee
  2. To approve the Annual Accounts and Treasurers Report

    Note – Accounts are provided separately for Members by e-mail or on the Notice Board in the Club Room.

  3. Election of the following:
    1. President: Current Holder – Colin Baldwin is prepared to stand again.
    2. Vice President: Current Holder – Joan Bradley is prepared to stand again
    3. Honorary Vice Presidents;

      No new proposals received. Nominations at the meeting.

      Existing: Richard Abram, Joan Bradley, Ken Beck, Bill Lloyd, Broo Rimmer, Ralph Gregson, Mike Keen, Brian Bladon, Bob Whitfield, Dave Livingstone, Neville Holgate, Phil Melville

    4. 2 Auditors: Derek Unsworth and Greg Callaghan – Both are prepared to stand


  1. Life Members:

    No new proposals received. Nominations at the meeting.

    Existing: Cyril Barton, Ken Beck, Brian Bladon, Joan Bradley, Bob Bush, Joyce Clarke, Neville Holgate, Geoff Hornby, Mike Keen, Dave Livingstone, Bill Lloyd, Phil Melville, John McEvoy, Broo Rimmer, Bob Robson, John (Tam) Barton, Colin Baldwin



  1. To elect members to form the Committee:


Position Existing Holder Nominee Proposer and Seconder
a)    Chairman Allan Taylor    
b)    Vice Chairman  


Geoff Caton Proposed by Peter Leonard, Seconded by Colin Baldwin
c)    General Secretary   Peter Leonard


Proposed by Geoff Caton, Seconded by Colin Baldwin
d)    Treasurer Peter Scott    
e)    Membership Secretary Madeleine Scott    
f)     Time Trial secretary Alan Stark    
g)    Road / Track secretary Eddie O’Brien    
h)    Audax Secretary      
i)      Social Secretary Aaron Green    
j)      Press Secretary Claire McKinnon    
k)    Clothing and Equip Sec Howard Massam    
l)      Webmaster Mike Lloyd    
m)   Welfare Officer Dave Ritchie    
n)    Member      
o)    Member      
p)    Under 23 Member Isabelle McKinnon    
q)    Junior Member James Holloway    




  1. Proposed: To elect a Chairman
  2. Proposed by the Committee, seconded by the Committee

    All Members standing for Committee who are unopposed to be elected en bloc.

  3. Proposed: To elect other members of the committee

To consider the following proposals:


  1. Subscriptions 2018 Proposed by Committee and Seconded by Committee

    In accordance with Rule 8, Subscriptions for 2018 be as follows: Senior Members shall be £25.00. Juniors Members shall be £0.00. Youths shall be £0.00. Family Membership shall be: £35.00

  2. Club Room Re-furbishment Proposed by Committee and Seconded by Committee

    The committee will investigate the provision of new furniture for the club room. Expenditure on such furniture not to exceed £3,000.00


Meeting Closed




If Members wish we will have an informal Q and A / say what you think session following the formal meeting.


In accordance with Rule 15 of the Club Constitution Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.

This Notice advises that the AGM will be held on

Monday 10th December 2018

At the Club Room, Rotten Row

Starting at

If you have any proposals/ would like to see something changed in how your club is run then you must submit your ideas in accordance with Rule 15 (see below) by 26th November. You should submit your proposal in writing by e-mail/ by hand to the  Chairman (Allan Taylor) with your name and the name of a seconder for your proposal.

(If you have an idea and are not sure how to make it as a “Proposal” talk to Allan )


15) The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, normally in December. Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site four weeks before the date of the meeting. Proposals for consideration at the AGM must be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the AGM. Rules may only be added or amended at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The Agenda for the AGM shall contain a list of elected positions with existing holders, showing those positions which are Vacant or which will be Vacant as the existing holder no longer wishes to stand and a list of the proposals to be considered. The Agenda shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.
