
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Upcoming Events

10:00 am Macmillan Coffee and Cake Morning
Macmillan Coffee and Cake Morning
Jan 25 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
On the 25th of January, a Macmillan coffee morning will be held at the SCC clubhouse, which is based at Victoria Park on Rotten Row in Southport.  This will include a sale of size Large to[...]

Annual General Meeting 2014

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting

In accordance with Rule 15 of the Club Constituion Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.

This Notice advises that the AGM will be held on

Monday 8th December 2014

At the Club Room, Rotten Row

Starting at


Notice of AGM 2014

Newsletter No 2. for the AGM 2014

Attached to this e-mail is the finalised Agenda. Annual General Meeting 2014V3

The reports from the Copmmittee Members are the same as the last version.

It would be very helpful if members brought their own copies of the Agenda and accounts.

Allan Taylor 05/12/2014



Newsletter No 1. for the AGM 2014

This newsletter provides some information about the AGM.

The Minutes of meeting of the 2013 AGM are attached – these will be for approval on the night.( AGM_Dec_2013_MoM)

The Draft Agenda is attached. This is NOT the finalised Agenda which will be available on December 1st. It does however have the reports of the Committee on the year past. These are on pages 4 to 9 and will not change before the AGM

The Accounts for the year and the Treasurers report are also attached.(Note that this document is not available via the web site)

These documents (apart from the Draft Agenda itself) will not change before the AGM – so you may want to print them out and bring them to the AGM. We will only have a limited number available on the night to protect the rain forests!

What is the AGM for?

The AGM is the members opportunity to:

  • See whether the items agreed at the last AGM have been implemented.
  • Find out what your committee have been doing for the last year
  • Check the financial position of the club
  • Elect Vice Presidents, Life Members, Officials and members of the Committee for the coming year
  • Adopt or reject any proposals put forward on matters concerning the running or governance of the club.

It is also the chance for Members to get involved in the running and management of the club by standing for positions on the committee.

Getting Elected to the Committee

The rules of the club are on the web site. The rule for elections is:

17) Nominations for election to the Committee and other posts with details of the Members proposing and seconding the nomination and the consent of the nominated person to serve must be received by post or e-mail one week before the AGM. Currently elected officials may stand for re-election without nomination. Where no Nominations are received and existing Officers are not prepared to be re-elected nomination from the members at the AGM will be accepted. If no candidate is elected at the AGM, the Committee may, subsequent to the AGM, appoint such members as it may think fit.

So – in the draft agenda is a list of the current office holders and members of the Committee. Alongside each name is an indication of whether the individual intends to stand for election again.

To stand for a position where the existing office holder intends to stand again you must submit the nomination with proposer and seconder by midnight on 1st December. This can be by e-mail or in writing but must be received by the time stated. The e-mail should state the name of the individual member proposed, the name of the proposer and seconder members and a statement that the proposed member consents to being proposed. The communication can be from either the member proposed or the proposer.

For vacant positions a member can be proposed as above or can wait until the AGM itself and be nominated on the night.

The proposer may be asked to speak on the night and indicate why they think the member proposed is a good candidate for the position.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions in relation to the above or the AGM talk to a Committee member or use the Contact Form on the web site.

Allan Taylor 23/11/2014
