
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Upcoming Events

9:00 am Annual Hill Climb @ Beacon Country Park
Annual Hill Climb @ Beacon Country Park
Sep 29 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Course  – Ashurst Beacon – Lees Lane to Prince William Pub. Signing on from 9am to 9.45am – First rider starts at 10.05am Medals to be presented after the event for fastest riders in various[...]

AGM 2016

The MoM of the 2016 AGM Annual General Meeting MoM 2016

Download documents here

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting

In accordance with Rule 15 of the Club Constitution Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.

This Notice advises that the AGM will be held on

Monday 12th December 2016

At the Club Room, Rotten Row

Starting at

The AGM is by definition a “formal” event. This year to make the evening more a chance for members to express their views and opinions we will follow the AGM with an interval with tea, coffee and cakes and then an open discussion where any issue concerning the Club can be discussed

Nominations of members for elected positions must be submitted in accordance with Rule 17.

The Agenda shows the Proposals to be considered at the AGM. If you have any things you wish to be considered, you must submit your proposal by 4th December.

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting


At the Club Room, Rotten Row
Monday 12th December 2016 at

1. To record Apologies for Absence

2. To approve the Minutes of Meeting of the Annual General Meeting on Monday 8th December 2015

3. Matters Arising from the last meeting

4. To approve the reports from the Committee members: See Reports Below

5. To approve the Annual Accounts and Treasurers Report

Note – Accounts are provided separately for Members by e-mail or on the Notice Board in the Club Room.
6. Election of the following:

a. President: Current Holder – Colin Baldwin is prepared to stand again.

b. Vice President: Current Holder – Joan Bradley is prepared to stand again

c. Honorary Vice Presidents;

No new proposals

Existing: Richard Abram, Joan Bradley, Ken Beck, Bill Lloyd, Broo Rimmer, Ralph Gregson, Mike Keen, Brian Bladon, Bob Whitfield, Dave Livingstone, Neville Holgate, Phil Melville

d. 2 Auditors: Derek Unsworth and Greg Callaghan – Both are prepared to stand

e. Life Members:

Proposed: to elect John McEvoy as a Life Member. Proposed and seconded by the Committee

Existing: Cyril Barton, Ken Beck, Brian Bladon, Joan Bradley, Bob Bush, Alan Clarke, Joyce Clarke, Neville Holgate, Geoff Hornby, Mike Keen, Dave Livingstone, Bill Lloyd, Phil Melville, Broo Rimmer, Bob Robson, John (Tam) Barton

f. Time Keepers – Dave Ritchie, Alan Stark,

7. To elect members to form the Committee:

Position Existing Holder/ Proposed Holder Proposed by Seconded by
a)    Chairman Allan Taylor
b)    Vice Chairman Peter Leonard
c)    General Secretary Ken Beck
d)    Treasurer Peter Scott
e)    Membership Secretary Madeleine Scott
f)     Time Trial secretary Graham Moreton Peter Leonard Committee Committee
g)    Road / Track secretary Eddie O’Brien
h)    Audax Secretary Vacant
i)      Social Secretary Aaron Green
j)      Press Secretary Vacant
k)    Clothing and Equip Sec Howard Massam
l)      Webmaster Mike Lloyd
m)   Welfare Officer Dave Ritchie
n)    Member Geoff Caton
o)    Member Colin Baldwin
p)    Under 23 Member
q)    Junior Member

Proposed by the Committee, Seconded by the Committee

To elect Allan Taylor as Chairman

8. Proposed by the Committee, Seconded by the Committee

All Members standing for Committee who are unopposed to be elected en bloc.

9. To elect the Time Trial Secretary
To consider the following proposals:

10. Subscriptions: Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee:

In accordance with Rule 8 any changes in subscriptions must be approved at the AGM. The committee propose:

The Subscriptions for the coming year be as Rule 8

11. Expenditure: Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee

During 2016 the club invested around £3,000 on improvements to the toilet facilities and replacement carpet. The year before approximately £3,500 was spent. The committee propose that during 2017 a similar amount is invested. Specifics are to be determined but could include improvements to the kitchen area and new furniture.

12. Time Trials: Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee

The committee to consider a proposal from Chorley Cycling club to let them organise and run a number of the club ten mile time trials on a Thursday night. The committee to look at the possible benefits to the club and come to a decision on the best way forward.

13. Proposal to amend Rule 15 as follows: Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee
15) The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, normally in December. Any six members may demand an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Club at any time suitable to the Committee. Notice of any EGM or the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting. Rules may only be added or amended at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The Notice of the AGM shall contain a list of elected positions with existing holders, showing those positions which are Vacant or which will be Vacant as the existing holder no longer wishes to stand.
15) The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, normally in December. Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site four weeks before the date of the meeting. Proposals for consideration at the AGM must be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the AGM. Rules may only be added or amended at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The Agenda for the AGM shall contain a list of elected positions with existing holders, showing those positions which are Vacant or which will be Vacant as the existing holder no longer wishes to stand and a list of the proposals to be considered. The Agenda shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.

Any six members may demand an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Club at any time suitable to the Committee. Notice of an EGM together with the Agenda showing the proposals to be considered shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.

14. We have three proposals to revise Rule 5

Current Rule 5 from the Club Constitution:

5) Members who are members of another cycling club or clubs who wish to race must comply with the Governing Bodies Racing Regulations and declare in advance the name of the club they will represent. For all racing purposes, members who decide to ride for a club other than Southport CC will be deemed to be members of their chosen club and will not be eligible for prizes or trophies specifically reserved for Southport CC riders. They will not be eligible to set records.

a. Proposal to Amend Rule 5: Proposed by Colin Baldwin, Seconded by Simon Kirwan

Margaret BIGGS, a club member with a disability, is prevented from entering club competitions, due to her membership of Team Bader Cycling, part of the Douglas Bader Foundation, a charity which supports amputees and actively encourages and assists amputees to participate in sport.
Margaret is also co-founder of Team Bader Cycling and a Douglas Bader Foundation Ambassador. By riding as a member of Team Bader, she is unable to enter Southport Cycling Club time trial competitions, due to her coming into conflict
with Rule 5,which states:

See Above

However, to ensure compliance with British Cycling’s stated policy on equality of opportunity for disabled cyclists, the club could make an amendment to Rule 5,to proactively ensure there is no indirect discrimination against disabled members as described below:
BC is fully committed to the principles and active promotion of equality of opportunity.
BC is responsible for ensuring that no member receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of a disability.
Indirect Discrimination:
This occurs by putting a rule or way of doing things that has a worse impact on someone with a disability that someone without one, when this cannot be objectively justified.
Discrimination arising from Disability.
This occurs by treating a disabled person unfavourably because of something connected with their disability when this cannot be justified.
Failing to make Reasonable Adjustment.
This occurs by failing to make reasonable adjustment for disabled people which cannot be justified.


b. Proposed by Peter Scott, Seconded by Wendy Scott

Rule as proposed

5) Members who are members of another cycling club or clubs who wish to race must comply with the Governing Bodies Racing Regulations and declare in advance the name of the club they will represent. For all racing purposes, members who decide to ride for a club other than Southport CC will be deemed to be members of their chosen club and will not be eligible for prizes or trophies specifically reserved for Southport CC riders. They will not be eligible to set records. This rule does not apply if the chosen club is a registered charity.

c. Proposed by Allan Taylor, Seconded by Peter Scott

Rule as Proposed
5) Members who are members of another cycling club or clubs who wish to race must comply with the Governing Bodies Racing Regulations and declare in advance the name of the club they will represent. Members who decide to ride for a club other than Southport CC will be deemed to be members of their chosen club for the purposes of the Governing Bodies. All members will be eligible for prizes or trophies awarded by Southport CC. Members who decide to ride for a club other than Southport CC will not be eligible to set records.

The revised rule would be non-discriminatory and might encourage junior / younger members to retain their membership of SCC while riding for other clubs as they would still be eligible for prizes and trophies.
If there was evidence in the future of riders joining the club to “hoover up” prizes (which is one reason why the rule is there?) we could look at a further revision to counteract that.

15. Proposal re DBS Checks: Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee

In light of current concerns in sporting clubs regarding protection of children and vulnerable adults, that all committee members must agree to providing information and completing such forms as are necessary to complete a DBS check or provide a copy of a DBS certificate.

