
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Upcoming Events

10:00 am Macmillan Coffee and Cake Morning
Macmillan Coffee and Cake Morning
Jan 25 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
On the 25th of January, a Macmillan coffee morning will be held at the SCC clubhouse, which is based at Victoria Park on Rotten Row in Southport.  This will include a sale of size Large to[...]

Annual General Meeting 2015

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting
Summary of Proceedings

Monday 7th December 2015 at

  1. Minutes of meeting from 2014 were approved subject to amendment to show that the issue of Any other Business had been discussed and agreed as not to be included on the Agenda for future AGMs. See MoM of AGM 2014
  2. Reports from the Committee including the Treasurers report were accepted
  3. Elected Officials of the Club can be seen on the “Officials of the Club” page

  4. To consider the following proposals:
    1. Subscriptions: Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee:
      In accordance with Rule 8 any changes in subscriptions must be approved at the AGM. The committee propose:
      The Subscriptions for the coming year be as Rule 8 (No change to last year) APPROVED
    2. Club Kit


  1. Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee:
    To adopt Design ”A” or “Modern” Kit for club kit.
    22 for, 13 Against, 9 abstentions APPROVED
  2. Proposed by the Committee, Seconded by the Committee
    That the Club adopts two kits. One will be the existing ‘Current or “Classic” design and the second will be Design ”A” or “Modern” kit

    The official club design and therefore the design registered with British Cycling and to be worn during races will be the design as selected by the Members in Proposal 8.b.i) above.. Either kit design can be worn on club runs.

    The club will maintain a stock of shorts and jerseys of both designs
    22 for, 13 Against, 3 abstentions APPROVED

  3. Proposed by Joe Croughan, seconded by Dave Ritchie
    That the club return to the system of carrying a stock of club road jerseys and shorts for members to purchase as and when needed and to change supplier.
    0 for, 25 against REJECTED
  4. Proposed by Alan Stark, seconded by Bill Sedgwick
    In the event of the AGM voting to adopt a new design for the club kit, in order to encourage members to change to the new kit that, the club will subsidise the cost of one main item of kit per member by £10 (either Jacket / Jersey / Gilet or Skinsuit). The subsidy will apply for the 2016 season only.
    9 for, 17 against REJECTED
  5. Clubhouse Investment 2016
    Proposed by Committee, Seconded by Committee
    During 2015 the Club invested around £3,500 in new equipment and clubhouse improvement yet was still able to end the year in profit by about £500. The committee propose that during 2016 a similar amount is invested in improvement to the clubhouse. Specifics are to be determined but could include improvements to the toilet facilities and kitchen area.
    33 for, 0 against APPROVED


Meeting Closed

The draft MoM will be published here when available.

Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting – Agenda

At the Club Room, Rotten Row
Monday 7th December 2015 at

In accordance with the Club Constituition the Agenda is to be posted on the web site and the Club Notice Board one week before the AGM

The Agenda and reports are on 8 pages – You can click on this link to view or download the document



Annual General Meeting

In accordance with Rule 15 of the Club Constitution Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.

The AGM will be held on
Monday 7th December 2015,
at the Club Room, Rotten Row

Starting at

What is the AGM for?

The AGM is the members opportunity to :

  • See whether the items agreed at the last AGM have been implemented.( Draft MoM of AGM 2014 )
  • Find out what your committee have been doing for the last year
  • Check the financial position of the club
  • Elect Vice Presidents, Life Members, Officials and members of the Committee for the coming year
  • Adopt or reject any proposals put forward on matters concerning the running or governance of the club.

It is also the chance for Members to get involved in the running and management of the club by standing for positions on the committee.

Getting Elected to the Committee

To stand for a position where the existing office holder intends to stand again you must submit the nomination with proposer and seconder by midnight on Sunday 29th November. This can be by e-mail or in writing but must be received by the time stated. The e-mail should state the name of the individual member proposed, the name of the proposer and seconder members and a statement that the proposed member consents to being proposed. The communication can be from either the member proposed or the proposer and should be sent to the General Secretary or the Chairman.

For vacant positions a member can be proposed as above or can wait until the AGM itself and be nominated on the night.

The list of positions and existing holders / vacancies are shown below.

Making a Proposal to change the Governance or Running of the Club

All proposals to be considered at the AGM must appear on the Agenda which is published one week in advance of the AGM. Proposals must be submitted in writing (or by e-mail) with the name of the proposer and seconder by Sunday 29th November

Position Existing Holder/Proposed Holder Proposed by Seconded by
a)    Chairman Allan Taylor
b)    Vice Chairman Peter Leonard
c)    General Secretary Ken Beck
d)    Treasurer Peter Scott
e)    Membership Secretary Madeleine Scott
f)     Time Trial secretary Graham Moreton
g)    Road / Track secretary Eddie O’Brien
h)    Audax Secretary Vacant
i)      Social Secretary Chris Stone
j)      Press Secretary Neil Robinson
k)    Clothing and Equip Sec Vacant
l)      Webmaster Vacant
m)  Welfare Officer Dave Ritchie
n)    Member Vacant
o)    Member Vacant
p)    Under 23 Member Vacant
q)    Junior Member Vacant