
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

Join Southport Cycling Club

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.


The word “Audax” is Latin for ‘bold’, and was first used in the context of endurance sports towards the end of the 19th century. Audax in relation to cycling is used for long distance cycle events. In the United Kingdom Audax rides are organised by Audax UK which is the foremost long-distance cycling association in the UK. Audax UK oversee the running of long-distance cycling events and using a system of timed checkpoints, validate and record every successful ride.

Members of SCC regularly take part in Audax rides.

“Permanents” Starting in Southport

Permanents are events registered with AUK which can, in most cases, be ridden at any time. They are intended as events for the more experienced rider, riding alone or with family and friends, and not as replacements for calendared rides whose dates have been planned as part of a programme of events.

Permanents starting from Southport are organised by Peter Gawthorne, who can be contacted at Cards and route sheets can be obtained from Peter. There are five routes:

PG 01- Southport – Scarborough – Southport 600K

PG 02 – Lakeland 400K

PG 03 – Southport – Lakeland 300K

PG 04 – Southport – Settle – Southport 200K

PG 05 – Southport – York 200K

See the Audax site for more details


To join AUDAX UK please use the online application form. It’s simple to use, and allows you to join instantly by paying online.

If you prefer not to pay online then please complete the application form, print out a copy and send it to Audax UK in the post. Full details are on the form.
