The Event was sponsored Moda Bikes / GSG clothing who kindly dontated a number of supplementary prizes in the form of Goody Bags contain a range of cycling products.
Thanks once again to the people at Mere Brow Village Hall for their continued use use of their premises as Event HQ, and to all timekeepers, marshals and helpers who ensured the event ran smoothly. A special vote of thanks to Wendy Scott who stayed back to help with collating all of the results, and dismantling the Gazebo when almost everyone else had left to catch a certain football match!
Despite a national trend of falling entries in Open TT’s this season, we still managed to attract a good field of riders from all over the North West (and further afield)
80 riders entered the event (down from 110 last year) and 67 riders faced the starter on a fine sunny evening, but a stiff north westerly wind meant that times did not reflect what the course is capable of delivering.
Event organizer, Alan Stark was first rider away but suffered a rear wheel puncture after 5 miles
Fastest Rider David Parkin of Chorley CC was the only rider to break 20 minutes with a time of 19:59
Second Fastest was 16 year old Patrick Casey of Team Lifting Gear Products / Cycles in Motion with an impressive new Junior course record of 20:22
Third was last years winner – Alex Royle of Manchester BC with a time of 20:28
Fastest Female was Deborah Moss of Springfield Financial RT with a time of 23:31
2nd Female as Michelle Fairclough of Salford CC with a time of 24:05
3rd Female was Rachel Orton – Tri Preston – 24:44
Handicap award went to Richard Warren of Liverpool Braveheart CC with a net time of 16:17
Fastest Juvenile (U16) award to Davey Allanson of Bury Clarion with a time of 25:49
Fastest Junior (U18) award to Reuben Corlett of Birkenhead North End CC with 22:17
Fastest Espoir ( U23) Award to Liam Davison of JRC Interflon with a 28:07
Team Award to the Bury Clarion team of Kevin Blades, Joseph Cadwallader and James Duffy with an aggregate time of 1:06:36
A special mention to Alex Munro of the Scottish VTTA who at the age of 89 years still managed to beat his Vet’s Standard by 4 minutes 33 seconds to scoop the Over 70’s category award
Veterans Awards based on performance against ‘Standard’ times
V40+ David James Williams Velotik Racing team + 5.38
V50+ Ian Holbrook Stone Wheelers CC + 5.48
V60+ Nigel Clementson Wigan Wheelers + 5.14
V70+ Alex Munro (age 89) SVTTA + 4.33
New Course Records were set
Junior Record 20:22 Patrick Casey – Team Lifting Gear Products / Cycles in Motion
Tricycle Record 32:48 Brian Moore – The Tricycle Association – North West Region
All Prizewinners will receive an engraved glass trophy or medal, with a number of supplementary prizes in the form of Moda / GSG Goody bags dontated by the event sponsors.
Southport CC Awards
Four SCC members entered the event – but only 3 actually represented Southport Cycling Club
This has to be the lowest participation in our Open TT’s for many years – a disappointing trend given the time and effort that goes in to organizing and ensuring the smooth running of such an event.
Fastest SCC member (but representing Moda Racing Team) was Maddy Scott with 24.57
Fastest SCC male member was Mike Rimmer with 25.09
Carole James was the only other SCC member to finish with a time of 28.56