
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Upcoming Events

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The SCC Time Trial Season starts 9th April

The first Club 10 mile TT is this Thursday with the first rider off at 6.45 pm. and signing on from 6.15. pm. Details of the course and signing on location can be found on the Time Trial page.

We do need marshalls to make these events happen throughout the season and Bill Lloyd working with Pete Leonard will be happy to hear from any members who would like to ride/ drive out to the event on any Thursday to help. We would like to hear from any volunteers for Thursdays in April and May (use the contact form to send your details). Marshalls will this year receive a contribution to their expenses of £4.00 for each event, to be taken as cash at the end of the season or donated to MacMillan Cancer Support.

If you have not Marshalled before have a look at this CTT GN 11 Marshals Checkers which tells you what to do. There is also a Risk Assessment for the course Risk Assess 10 course which riders should have a look at.


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