Results are now on the club FB group and also in the TT results section. 10m TT 20 jun 19
A special mention should go to Mike Lloyd, who has not finished building his TT bike in time for the event, so rode last nights event on a steel MTB with 50mm tyres, and clip on ‘Tri-Bars’ and produced a 22mph average speed.
Thanks to our regular group of Officials and Marshals, and also to volunteer marshals from other clubs for helping out with Marshalling last night – Andy Horner of Ribble Cycles, and Mike Newton of Croston Velo both gave up a chance to ride to support our event.
Most SCC members who ride the events regularly have done at least one turns at marshalling, as riders who plan on doing 6 events or more during a season are requested to marshal at least once.
Willing volunteers are always appreciated