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Club Hill Climb Championship 2018 – 28th October

The original date for this event was published as Sunday 7th October. Taking place on the Ashurst climb as part of the combined clubs promotion as in previous years.

The organiser has advised us that the combined clubs event will now take place on Sunday 14th October.

As many club members are away in Mallorca and other members who wished to take part have advised they are not able to compete on that day the club has arranged for a Southport Cycling Club only event on the same course on

Sunday 28th October

This event will be held under CTT rules. The first rider off will start at 11.30. am with registration from Following the event there will be (free) refreshments and food at the Prince William Pub (the pub at the finish of the climb). Timings and venue for registration to be confirmed. (Probably the car park at the Prince William ) There will be no charge for entry to the event. (The minimum age for riders is 12 and any rider Under 18 must have a SIGNED parental consent form  DOWNLOAD LINK FOR FORM )

Members are still able to take part in the combined clubs event on the 14th October – however the Club Champion will be decided on the 28th October.


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