Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting – Agenda
At the Club Room, Rotten Row
Monday 7th December 2015 at
In accordance with the Club Constituition the Agenda is to be posted on the web site and the Club Notice Board one week before the AGM
The Agenda and reports are on 8 pages – You can click on this link to view or download the document. It would be very helpful for members to bring their own copy of the agenda if they plan to attend the meeting
Annual General Meeting
In accordance with Rule 15 of the Club Constitution Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.
The AGM will be held on
Monday 7th December 2015,
at the Club Room, Rotten Row
Starting at
For more information see About Us/AGM 2015