Southport Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting
At the Club Room, Rotten Row
Monday 10th December 2018 at
The Agenda for this year and Minutes of the Meeting from 2017 are available on the AGM page
If you would like to help run your club/ would like to change something then the relevant part of the rules for election to the committee are (The full rules are here) :
15 ……………..The Agenda for the AGM shall contain a list of elected positions with existing holders, showing those positions which are Vacant or which will be Vacant as the existing holder no longer wishes to stand and a list of the proposals to be considered. The Agenda shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting……………………
17. Currently elected officials may stand for re-election without nomination. Nominations for positions where the existing holder intends to stand for re-election must be received by post or e-mail one week before the AGM. Nominations for Vacant positions as stated on the Notice of the AGM may be made by e-mail or in writing at any time before the AGM or in person at the meeting. Nominations should state the name of the member proposed, the name of the proposer and seconder and the consent of the proposed person to be nominated. If ……………….