Ridden by many seen by the few

Group Shot at the Barn in Scorton
As Pete the A group leader was first in planning a ride through the Trough, it seemed just the ticket for the B group to hang on to their coat tails until Scorton this Sunday just gone.
I rode out from Leyland to meet up with 5 riders at Banks R/A who’d left the Plough at 9.15, ( David and Rosie Walsh, Dan Salcedo, Harry from Huddersfield, plus Geoff Caton). I joined on and we chatted as we rode to meet up with the A group at Blackgate Lane just a couple of miles further on.
Crossed wires on the way into Preston and a bit of confusion arose when Pete wrongly thought that all were joining the A group and that Puddleducks would struggle to cater for such a large peloton!
Hurriedly it was suggested they went out via Chipping – however by the time we crossed the Ribble the front riders had gone straight on through the city, whilst the B group took the normal route to Tom Benson way – a classic A group ploy to wake the troops up! A few furtive lefts and rights and over a stretch of cobbles had Ian’s mudguard shattered as the marauding front riders tried to second guess in the new game of hide and seek.
Unbeknown to these riders the B group with one or two of the A including the A navigator were starting to pick up pace through Preston leaving the B group leader wheel less, spat out of the back going up Tulketh Brow and despite his best efforts saw the gang disappearing into the distance up Tom Benson way ‘not even a sly backward glance did I see from those hatless wonders’ as those B riders’ hung on to the escaping A fraternity.
I was so glad that they decided to pause at Woodplumpton perhaps feeling cold without the heated pants from the rear of the group! Unfortunately this respite was short lived for as soon as we crossed the A6 at Bilsborrow there seemed to be a continued 20 – 25mph chase down Lydiate and Ducketts lanes. With my teech clenched and my nose just above my bar and my hands sweating heavily on the drops I got me to within a couple of hundred metres from the back of the bunch, this effort was to no avail, and as soon as the road headed uphill towards Barnacre – they disappeared again – it was such a shame no-one waited – as I’d planned on taking the B group the scenic route up Bell Lane and via the reservoirs and Harris End on the way to Scorton, leaving a much gentler ride on the way back but this was not to be. I was fortunate enough to have got to the barn at Scorton just as the last of the group were placing their orders so I managed to get served promptly.

On the road
Brian Gough? arose from his hiding place in the corner of the busy café to join table 106 unfortunately there wasn‘t much room and so myself and Ian sat together he managed for I think the first time on the ride to be able to get everyone together for a picture. After a number of baked beans on toast, flapjacks, soup and a lemon meringue pie and ice cream everyone was ready to leave together! Yahoo!!
We set off from Scorton as one large group, with the A group heading for the Trough via Marshaw, whilst the B group ( plus Brian) set off up Harris End. The young racers we soon flying up the hills leaving me to grovel my way up the tea still hot in my belly, once we arrived at the reservoirs, we stayed together and headed home via Bell Lane, Inglewhite, Broughton. Further on we had A pleasant run along the riverside that was followed by the dreaded cote de Penwortham, at which point I bade farewell to the group – as they knew their way home from there.

Snack Stop on return journey
A grand day out – but I think in future It may be a good idea to keep the A & B groups separate until I get a lot fitter. On this showing the only one of this weeks B group who couldn’t keep up with the A group going uphill was me – so it begs the question of why have a B group ride! Do no other riders fancy a longer ride at a slightly more sedate pace on a Sunday? – I don’t feel ready for the Cedar Farm run yet!
Words by Alan Stark
Assisted by Ian Bailey
Ridden by many seen by the few