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Southport Cycling Club 2023 Annual General Meeting Minutes

At the Club Room, Rotten Row Monday, 4th December 2023 at

Apologies for Absence

Neil Langridge
Alan Stark

20 members present

1. To approve the Minutes of Meeting of the Annual General Meeting on Monday 5th December 2022 – available via club website

The meeting approved the 2022 minutes

2. Matters Arising from the last meeting

There were no matters arising

3. To approve the reports from the Chairman and Committee

The chairman gave an account of the clubs activities for the previous year.

The club had implemented an automated membership renewal and messaging system.

Due to lack of numbers the school person races had been cancelled but the club was aiming to run an event on 2024.

The club road races had been a success and the club was grateful for the sponsors who took part.

The club room had been renovated.

The club continued to support MacMillans with a group ride and coffee morning.

TT report

Unfortunately the TT secretary was incapacitated.

The chairman gave precis of what had been another successful year.

Numbers were down but many riders had expressed their gratitude for the clubs running of the events.

The numbers for the Hill Climb were very encouraging.

Thanks were expressed to all the club members who had help make the events successful.

Treasurer’s report

Subscriptions were down slightly as membership was now at 135 with 9 under 18’s.

The largest outgoing was the club refurbishment.

TT and Road races were in credit.

The clubs running costs had increased mainly due to increasing electric prices.

Even though the club made a loss over the year it had nearly £40,000 in reserve so was in a very good financial position.

Approval of the reports was proposed and seconded and the meeting voted in favour unanimously.

4. Election of the following:
a. President: Ken Perkins

b. Vice President: Current Holder – Joan Bradley

c. Honorary Vice Presidents;

Existing: Richard Abram, Ken Beck, Ralph Gregson, Mike Keen, Brian Bladon, Rob Whitfield, Dave Livingstone, Neville Holgate, Phil Melville, Colin Baldwin

d. 2 Auditors: Greg Callaghan – Greg is prepared to stand another auditor required

e. Life Members:

f. Ken Davies – Proposed by Pete Scott, seconded by Pete Leonard
Dave Richie – Proposed by Pete Scott, seconded by Pete Leonard
Existing: Cyril Barton, Ken Beck, Brian Bladon, Joan Bradley, Bob Bush, Neville Holgate, Geoff Hornby, Mike Keen, Dave Livingstone, Phil Melville, John McEvoy, Bob Robson, Colin Baldwin, Ken Perkins, Irene Gunn, Jim Gunn, Derek Unsworth, Yvonne Unsworth, Joe Croughan, Margaret Sims, Arthur Sims, Lenny Collins, Peter Leonard

Proposed by committee, seconded by committee

The election of the above posts was voted in favour unanimously by the meeting.

To elect members to form the Committee:

Position Existing Holder Nominee Proposer and Seconder
a)        Chairman Eddie O’Brien    
b)       Vice Chairman Aaron Green    
c)        General Secretary Peter Leonard    
d)       Treasurer Peter Scott    
e)       Membership Secretary Madeleine Scott    
f)         Time Trial secretary Alan Stark    
g)        Road / Track secretary Eddie O’Brien    
h)       Audax Secretary Allan Taylor    
i)         Social Secretary vacancy    
j)         Press Secretary Vacancy    
k)        Clothing and Equip Sec Howard Massam    
l)         Webmaster Mike Lloyd    
m)      Welfare Officer Brian Leach    
n)       Member Neil Langridge    
o)       Member Dave Ritchie    
p)       Under 23 Member Vacancy    
q)       Junior Member Vacancy    

5. Proposed by the Committee, seconded by the Committee.

All Members standing for Committee who are unopposed to be elected en bloc.

The election of the committee was voted in favour unanimously by the meeting.

Neil Laing volunteered to fill the vacant auditor role.

The chairman thanked Neil and cognisant of the lack of females and junior members on the committee asked if Olivia would join.

Both Olivia and Neil agreed to join the committee

6. To consider the following proposals:

Proposal 1

That the club clothing design is modified to incorporate a yellow panel on the back to aid greater visibility.

Proposed by the Mike Lloyd, seconded by the Neil Langridge.

A discussion took place on the Pro’s and Con’s of making the club kit more visible.

At some point in the future BC might need to be informed but it was felt to would not be soon.

The meeting voted by a majority for a modification to the kit.

A vote of thanks was given to Jean and Howard Massam for their work in organising the club dinner.


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