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2018 Freewheeling Championship Report

9 riders set off from Backgate Lane on a dull but dry morning – Destination Bleasedale. We picked up Duffers on the way, and the 10 of us made our way to Bleasedale at a steady rate, with plenty of jolly banter. Road conditions were good, so after a sighting run, ( and dicarding of anything non aero – bottles, saddlebags, and even helmets and winter jackets, we re-assembled opposite the designated tree.  Steve Duffell was a non combatant, so acted as official holder upper. Bill Sedgwick was first man off ( there were only men contesting todays event – though it is open to all genders and ages) and briefly held the lead, but surrendered it to a number of other hopefuls. Karl Turner set an early benchmark that others tried to better, but it was left to the later runners to master the course. Tom Williams – assisted by clip on tri bars – beat Karl’s mark by almost a metre, as other competitors fell by the wayside. Finally it was left to Eddie O’Brien to show everyone just how it should be done, and he duly obliged beating Tom’s mark by well over 2 bike lengths, and in doing so did not have to honour his offer to buy the 2nd mans lunch if he was within 1 metre of Ed’s mark!. Dave Ritchie drove out, as he didn’t want to get his Pinarello dirty, but acted as official ajudicator to verify the results. So there we have it — the official result is 1st – and still undefeated whenever he has been able to take part- El Campione – Eddie O’Brien. 2nd Tom Williams, – better luck next year — and 3rd Karl Turner. Refreshments were taken at the Cobbled Corner cafe at Chipping, If Dave had had a bigger vehicle we’d have all put our bikes in and got a lift home, but as it was we endured a very soggy ride back via Longridge and the north of Preston in to a steadily rising breeze. The pace on the return was brisk, and I got detached just before the traffic lights approaching the University, and badly delayed by the lights near the city centre so took the short way home to Leyland. All in all a grand day out. All we need is a strategy to slow Ed’s bike down before next year!


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