
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

Join Southport Cycling Club

Upcoming Events

10:00 am Macmillan Coffee and Cake Morning
Macmillan Coffee and Cake Morning
Jan 25 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
On the 25th of January, a Macmillan coffee morning will be held at the SCC clubhouse, which is based at Victoria Park on Rotten Row in Southport.  This will include a sale of size Large to[...]

Possible Re-Design of the Club Kit

The committee met on 1st September and selected the three best candidates for the “New Design”. These are shown below. A larger version of each design can be seen by clicking on the image.

The committee also decided that voting should be on the basis of one member, one vote and include Junior/ Youth members. The voting process will be outlined in an e-mail which will be sent to all members. Votes will be returned to ClubKitDesign(at) and will be counted independently by the Treasurer and the Chairman. Voting for members with no internet access will be by paper form.
Voting will close at midnight on Sunday 18th October

SCC Design A

Design A

SCC Design B

Design B

SCC Design C

Design C









At the committee meeting on 12th May it was agreed that the committee would make a proposal to the members at the AGM in December 2015 that the Club Clothing should either remain as is or that a new design be adopted.

In order for this proposal to make any sense we need to have a proposed “New Design” for the members to consider. Otherwise the members are deciding between what we have now and an un-known design which they may all dislike.

To get to a proposed design we will be doing the following:ClubKitTimeline

  1. We announce on the web site and social media/ notice board/ newsletter the intention to have a vote on the adoption of a new design for the kit.
  2. We initiate a process allowing members to submit designs for consideration by the Committee to select the best three designs.
    The designs must comply with the “Design Brief” which is in the details below or the downloadable file. Submitted designs become the property of the club.
  3. We have a vote by the Senior/ Life and Family members of the club to select the “best” design of the three chosen by the committee. The chosen option becomes the “New Design”.
  4. The “New Design” is publicised alongside the existing design prior to the AGM

At the AGM we will then have a vote on the proposal:

The members agree to adopt the “New Design” for Club Clothing.

(Yes means we do and no means we stick with what we have)

We will also have a proposal:

The design of the Club Kit will be reviewed no earlier than the AGM in December 2019.

The files here may be of help to any would be designers. (Click on the file and then save the image)






Blank for Design







SCC Logo Shine Low Res

SCC Logo Shine Low Res

SCC Logo Shine Hi Res

SCC Logo Shine Hi Res

SCC Logo Flat Low Res

SCC Logo Flat Low Res

SCC Logo Flat Hi Res-01

SCC Logo Flat Hi Res-01















A more detailed explanation of the steps is follows or download the file here: ClubKitV2

Step 1.

We announce on the web site and social media/ notice board the intention to have a vote on the adoption of a new design for the kit

Step 2.

We initiate a process allowing members to submit designs for consideration by the Committee to select the best three designs.

We would like members to submit revised/ new designs for consideration by the Committee. This announcement to be made mid July with the call for designs to be submitted by end August. (Closing Date 31/08/2015)

The designs submitted must be based on the following brief:

The new design can be a re-working of the existing or a completely new and radical design


Design to utilise blue and yellow as main colours, white as subsidiary colour (if required). Design should clearly identify “Southport Cycling Club” Thereafter as you wish.


Main colour to be black but with blue/ yellow as main colours in any panels and white as subsidiary.(If required) Southport CC to be identified on the shorts.

There are design templates which can be downloaded from the Champion system web site and these together with the “branding” information will be available to all members via the web site.

Designs to be submitted to the committee either by e-mail  ClubKitDesign(at)

or in hard copy to the Chairman and would need to be in by the closing date.

By submitting a design you are accepting that the copyright and intellectual property in the design becomes the property of Southport Cycling Club.

Following receipt of the designs the Committee will meet to consider the designs and select the “best” three.

This meeting be held in mid September and be specific for that purpose only.

Step 3.

The best three candidates for  the “New Design” would be placed on the web site / notice board by the end of September. Members would be able to vote electronically (system to be set up and checked) for one of the three designs. Each Senior/ Life member to have one vote and Family members to have two votes. (Members would also be able to vote on a paper form if they do not have internet/ e-mail.) Closing date for voting to be end of October.

Voting to be counted independently by two Committee members and the results to be presented to the committee. (3rd November 2015)

Step 4.

The “New Design” is publicised alongside the existing design prior to the AGM

After ratification by the Committee the “New Design” selected by the members would be published on the web site / notice board / newsletter. This would be by mid November. At the same time the “New Design” to be checked by Champion Systems to ensure that it was a finalised design which could be manufactured. The wording and proposals for the AGM to be agreed by the end of the first week in November to allow the production of the Agenda a minimum of two weeks before the AGM.


