
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Upcoming Events

9:00 am Freewheel Competition
Freewheel Competition
Oct 19 @ 9:00 am
Freewheel Event Meet: 9:00 am at the Banks stone and 9:30 am at the Tartleton lights. Distance: Approximately 60 miles.
7:00 am SCC Annual Dinner 2024
SCC Annual Dinner 2024
Nov 23 @ 7:00 am – 10:00 am
Saturday 23rd November 7pm. Old Links Golf Club. Three course dinner with coffee and mints is subsidised at £20.00, £10.00 under 18s. Howard Massam is taking names for this year. It is an opportunity to[...]

Southport Cycling Club Newsletter May 2021 

British Cycling: Covid Guidance 

British Cycling have recently published revised guidance and this was discussed at a Committee  Meeting on May 18th. The committee determined that the club’s policy will be to adhere to the  guidelines as per the extract below: 

  • From May 17th, British Cycling affiliated club and HSBC UK Ride Social rides can take place in any number, while HSBC UK Breeze and HSBC UK Guided Rides groups can adhere to maximum rider/leader ratios for their rides. 
  • These rides will be subject to a series of Covid mitigation measures, including: test and trace protocols, one metre social distancing while riding, two metre social distancing while not riding, and guidance covering hygiene, equipment sharing and self-sufficiency. More  details on this can be found in The Way Forward here. 
  • Clubs and groups which do not feel confident or comfortable riding in larger groups are permitted and encouraged to set a lower limit which is appropriate for their own circumstances. 
  • Informal group rides – such as groups of friends meeting to ride together – will be limited to 30 riders, in line with Government guidance on outdoor gatherings.

In practice this means that we are able to return to our previous arrangements for club rides i.e. as  described on the club website except for the requirements with regard to social distancing. 

A brief reminder of the organised club rides: 

  • All days – Meet Plough/BP area at 9:30. Normally a steady ride. Distance and route decided  on the day or in advance via SCC Rides WhatsApp group. Normally rides are between 30 and  50 miles. 
  • Saturdays – Meet Clubhouse at 8:30. Normally a quicker pace then mid week rides, but  group can be sub divided to accommodate different ability levels. Details of rides i.e. route  and distance advertised in advance via SCC Rides WhatsApp group. Normally rides are  between 50 and 60 miles. 
  • Sundays – Meet Blackgate Lane at 9:30. A quick ride but group sub divides as appropriate to  accommodate different ability levels. Details of rides i.e. route and distance advertised in  advance via SCC Rides WhatsApp group. Normally rides are 70 miles plus. 

(You may have views about the organisation of club rides, if so, see AGM item below). Volunteers Needed 

We are looking for volunteers to lead the Saturday 8:30 rides. This would involve planning the route,  publicising route details in advance and providing route guidance on the day….as well as ensuring  that everyone is looked after, nobody ‘gets dropped’ etc. We don’t wish to make this overly formal,  it’s mostly a case of using common sense. Ideally we would like 4 volunteers who can spread the  responsibility between them as it’s difficult to expect one person to commit to this every week. If  you can help please drop me a line at .

Time Trials 

The 10s are now well under way and there have been some good turn outs and impressive  performances. 

Southport 10 May 29th…/events/view/22046 

This is now almost full with over 100 entrants and with the prospect of a full field of 120 riders, we  will need extra volunteers to help out with marshalling on the course, and at the Event HQ at Mere  Brow Village Hall. Course marshals will be needed in position between 6.30pm and almost 9pm and  we would like to be able to ‘double up’ at most locations to give marshals a well deserved break – particularly if the weather is less than perfect. 

At the HQ, we will need a couple of people to supervise signing on and number collection (from  5.30. We will need someone to record the times and update a provisional results sheet. 

The more helpers we can get, will ensure that this showcase event for the club runs smoothly. 

Please let Alan Stark know if you are able to help out so that he can prepare a roster so that  everyone knows what is expected of them. Alan’s contact details: tel 07904 385683; 

Cycling…the good 

Congratulations to these guys for completing the Lancs Sportive: 104 miles, 9000 ft of climbing.











Cycling…the not so good 

Please take extra care when revealing your legs for the first time since lockdown began…. 










2020/21 AGM 

If the government’s road map for easing Covid restrictions is not disrupted then we will be in a  position to hold the postponed 2020 AGM after June 21st. The Committee decided that it would be  sensible to combine the postponed 2020 AGM with the 2021 AGM and to hold this meeting in  September/October. It was proposed that the AGM would have two parts: 

  1. a) Formal AGM covering the usual agenda items e.g. election of officers, approval of accounts. b) An open forum at which members can raise any issues with regard to the organisation of the  club, what it provides for members, and suggestions for development/improvements. 


Assuming the road map is not disrupted we are planning to hold an informal social event at the  clubhouse to give members an opportunity to see the revamped facilities, to discuss all things  cycling, watch the Tour de France on the big screen and just generally catch up. Aaron has kindly  volunteered to arrange this. More details later. 

2021 Subscriptions now long overdue! 

If you haven’t had time to renew your subs you can do so via the club website. Geoff Caton, Club Chairman


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