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News – Cycling Weekly – Ride of the Roses – Time Trial Results

By Ian Bailey – Edited By Mike Lloyd

 22nd September 2016

Sunday the 4th was also an exciting day for Southport Cycling Club as the 125 year old national cycling magazine ‘Cycling Weekly’ were came to report on the Club. Organised by club secretary Kenhannah-and-ken-leading-the-ride-group-copy Beck, Cycling Weekly’s reporter Hannah Bussey together with their photographer Andrew joined the club for our Sunday Club run to the cycle friendly Twin Lakes Velo Café near Croston. At around 9:30 am just short of 60 club members set off to ride in three groups to the cyclist’s café. With its ample cycle parking, good food and fine views the Twin Lakes Velo Café is fast becoming the coffee and cake venue of choice for new and seasoned cyclists alike.

To ensure everyone was suitably hungry before they arrived at the Twin Lakes Velo Café, the rides took in over 40 miles each that showcased Southport’s wonderful seafront and surrounding area, before leading out over the Lancashire Plains to the foothills of the West Pennine Moors passing Top Lock before arriving at the café.

After a great dsc_0024-copylunch at Twin Lakes the club made their way back to their Clubhouse in Victoria Park before bidding farewell to Hannah who had thoroughly enjoyed her ride. She confessed to having never visited Southport before but vowed to return in the future as she found Lord St.

Thanks goes to Hannah and Andrew from Cycling Weekly, Twin Lakes Velo Café, Club Secretary Ken Beck for organising and promoting the event, the club riders who attended and everyone else who helped make the event a success.

Click here to download the SCC Cycling Weekly article

On to other news, the youth section came together to thank the Ben Gautrey Foundation for their fantastic support having each received a race top. Also news is that Isabelle Mckinnon has won herself a Dolan frame after being chosen as the youth’s most improved rider by the Southport Club Committee. Isabelle has this year competed in all but two of the weekly Litherland Circuit Races and has showed great stamina, tenacity and skill in securing third place overall in her age category. Club dsc_0020-copysecretary and youth coach Ken Beck says that Isabelle has fast become a rider of great skill and poise and he is looking forward to seeing her continue to grow into a great ambassador for women’s cycling of the future.

Also on the 4th of September, new Southport CC riders Geoff Ryan and Glen Francis completed their first 100 mile rides whilst taking part in the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity’s ‘Ride of the Roses’ ride. Well done goes to them. In the same event, Stu Blundell and Chris Blake have completed another epic 100 miles not too dissimilar to the official route and are halfway to raising £200 toward the cancer charity. If you wish to give these good humoured gents a cash raising boost then please follow their link

In our Time Trial Championship, Pete Leonard narrowly beat junior rider Dave Unsworth at the last event of the season to win the event overall. During the season there were 189 riders taking part from 44 different clubs. Well done to all the riders who took park and thanks goes the marshals and timekeepers without whom this great event couldn’t take place.

The final results of the Southport 10 mile TT championship:

Position Name Category Points


1 Peter Leonard V60+ 156
2 David Unsworth Jun 153
3 Robbie Hurst V50+ 134
4 Will White V60+ 111
5 Bill Sedgwick V60+ 102
6 Neil Laing Sen 98
7 Martin Bailey Sen 90
8 Dave Hilton V50+ 85
9 Ian Bailey V50+ 71
10 Greg Rycroft V50+ 70
11 Arthur FindleyV60+ 67
12 Alan Stark V60+ 44
13 Kevan Evans V40+ 40
14 Mike Lloyd V40+ 24
15 Kevin Conway V50+ 23
16 Greg Callaghan V50+ 17
17 Conor McKinnon Juv 12
18 Glen Francis Sen 9

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