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9:00 am Annual Hill Climb @ Beacon Country Park
Annual Hill Climb @ Beacon Country Park
Sep 29 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Course  – Ashurst Beacon – Lees Lane to Prince William Pub. Signing on from 9am to 9.45am – First rider starts at 10.05am Medals to be presented after the event for fastest riders in various[...]

Eddie Free-wheels to Victory (again)


A few practice runs

One of the most competitive events of the club racing season took place on Sunday the 19th October – the Downhill or Free-wheeling competition.

A strong field with 25 starters, including last years champion  and several champions from earlier years, assembled at the traditional Bleasdale venue. Anyone who had been watching the SCC twitter feed would have been aware of Eddie O’Briens attention to detail in his preparation: “Bike cleaned & Mr Sheened, stem dropped, hubs tweaked, cassette WD40, 120PSI in the rubber. Can mean only one thing, DownHillAgeddon Sunday”

Peter Leonard took on the role as the non pushing starter and there was close scrutiny of the riders to ensure there was no surreptitious pedalling or releasing of ballast.

The outcome: Eddie O’Brien retained his title with Lindsay Whittaker second and Neil Robinson third.

The field re-grouped after the event and made their way to Coblle Hey cafe for refreshments.


Eddie, Lindsay and Neil


A grand day out, 3 punctures, 1 broken spoke (thanks to Peter Leonard for the loan of a wheel to get Neil home) and one broken pedal

Not pushing off

Peter Leonard not pushing off the winner




Cobble Hey for refreshments



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