
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

Join Southport Cycling Club

Upcoming Events

9:00 am Freewheel Competition
Freewheel Competition
Oct 19 @ 9:00 am
Freewheel Event Meet: 9:00 am at the Banks stone and 9:30 am at the Tartleton lights. Distance: Approximately 60 miles.
7:00 am SCC Annual Dinner 2024
SCC Annual Dinner 2024
Nov 23 @ 7:00 am – 10:00 am
Saturday 23rd November 7pm. Old Links Golf Club. Three course dinner with coffee and mints is subsidised at £20.00, £10.00 under 18s. Howard Massam is taking names for this year. It is an opportunity to[...]

Club Constitution and Racing Rules Appendix

Open a pdf to download here : Club Rules 23rd September 2018

Please note that numbering of clauses is shown in the pdf version, but not on the web page.


  • The name of the club shall be “SOUTHPORT CYCLING CLUB”, and the official address shall be the Club House, Victoria Park, Rotten Row, Southport. All correspondence shall be addressed to the Secretary’s home address.
  • The objects of the club shall be to encourage cycling from a health point of view, and promote interest in cycling as a sport. Cycling Time Trials shall be held under the rules of the CTT, Road and Track Racing under the jurisdiction of British Cycling.  Social Events shall be held as time and weather permits.
  • Membership shall be open to persons of all sexes, race, religion or disability who are interested in cycling.
  • New members shall complete a membership application form.
  • Members who are members of another cycling club or clubs who wish to race must comply with the Governing Bodies Racing Regulations and declare in advance the name of the club they will represent. Members who decide to ride for a club other than Southport CC will be deemed to be members of their chosen club for the purposes of the Governing Bodies. All members will be eligible for prizes or trophies awarded by Southport CC. Members who decide to ride for a club other than Southport CC will be eligible to set records.The Governing Bodies are “British Cycling” , “Cycling Time Trials” and “Veteran Time Trials Association”
  • Life Members of the Club are to be elected at the AGM. The committee or any two members may propose any existing paid up member for election by the AGM. The criteria for selection will be particular service to the club over an extended period of time. Life Members are exempt from the annual subscription and have the same privileges as fully paid up members. In the event of any conduct bringing the club into disrepute Life Members may be removed at the AGM by a vote of the members. Members over the age of 75 with 30 years continuous membership shall be made Life Members.
  • Honorary Vice-Presidents are persons who have given special service to the Club and are awarded this position in recognition of that service. Persons elected to this Position may be non-members or members. Members may propose persons for this position with the name of the person, the names of two seconders and the details of the service for which they are proposed. The Committee may also put forward names for consideration by the members at the AGM. Honorary Vice-Presidents are elected by the members at the AGM
  • The Membership subscription for Senior Members shall be £25.00. Membership for Juniors and Youths is FREE. Family Membership shall be: £35.00 for two adults and any other family members under 21 years of age. Changes in subscriptions will be approved at the AGM.
  • The profits or income or other assets of the Club shall be applied in promoting the objects of the club and no dividends or distributions of any nature (whether income or capital) shall be paid to its members. On a winding-up of the Club for any reason all its assets which would otherwise be available to its members generally shall be transferred on its winding-up either to another body with objects similar to its own or to another body the objects of which are the promotion of charity and anything incidental or conducive thereto. This rule may only be amended by a unanimous agreement at an AGM or EGM.
  • All cycling members must affiliate to a National Cycling Organisation which provides 3rd party insurance as part of the affiliation, and shall pay, in addition to the Club Subscriptions, the appropriate affiliation. Non-cycling members may join the Club without affiliation to a National Cycling Organisation.
  • The Membership Year is 1st January to 31st December. Members whose subscriptions are unpaid by 31st March will be removed from the list of members and must apply to join as a new member. New members must pay their subscription and submit their application form before they are considered as members. Members who join after the 30th September shall be members until the end of the following year.
  • It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that their machine is roadworthy and properly equipped.
  • The wearing of safety helmets which are manufactured to an approved standard is recommended. Members 16 years and under must wear an approved helmet.
  • All members are expected to give help to other members in case of accident or mishap. The Committee would like this help extended to other cyclists where possible.
  • The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, normally in December. Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site four weeks before the date of the meeting. Proposals for consideration at the AGM must be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the AGM. Rules may only be added or amended at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The Agenda for the AGM shall contain a list of elected positions with existing holders, showing those positions which are Vacant or which will be Vacant as the existing holder no longer wishes to stand and a list of the proposals to be considered. The Agenda shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.Any six members may demand an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Club at any time suitable to the Committee. Notice of an EGM together with the Agenda showing the proposals to be considered shall be posted on the Club Notice board and on the Club web-site two weeks before the date of the meeting.
  • The Club at the Annual General Meeting shall appoint the following officials to form the Committee
    1. Chairman
    2. Vice-Chairman
    3. General Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Membership Secretary
    6. Time Trial Secretary
    7. Road and Track Racing Secretary
    8. Audax Secretary
    9. Social Secretary
    10. Press Secretary
    11. Clothing and Equipment Secretary
    12. Webmaster
    13. Welfare Officer
    14. 2 members of the club plus 1 junior member and 1 under 23 member.

The Club at the Annual general Meeting shall also appoint;


  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Honorary Vice Presidents
  4. 2 Auditors
  5. Life Members
  6. Time Keepers
  7. Delegates to Ruling Bodies (e.g. CTT, NLTTA etc)
  • Currently elected officials may stand for re-election without nomination. Nominations for positions where the existing holder intends to stand for re-election must be received by post or e-mail one week before the AGM. Nominations for Vacant positions as stated on the Notice of the AGM may be made by e-mail or in writing at any time before the AGM or in person at the meeting. Nominations should state the name of the member proposed, the name of the proposer and seconder and the consent of the proposed person to be nominated. If no candidate is elected at the AGM, the Committee may, subsequent to the AGM, appoint such members as it may think fit.
  • The Club shall be controlled by the Committee as elected above. The Committee shall meet as required.
  • The Secretary shall ensure that Minutes of Meetings of the Committee are kept and the Minutes adopted at each subsequent meeting. The Minutes will be published on the web-site and posted on the club notice board. Members may submit matters for discussion by the Committee in writing or by the “Contact Us” page of the web-site
  • If at any time necessity arises for a decision to be made urgently, with no time to call an extraordinary general meeting, the Committee can deal with same, and any such decision shall be ratified at a subsequent extraordinary general meeting.
  • Committee at any of its meetings shall be empowered to suspend or expel any member whose conduct is, in the opinion of the Club, injurious to the character and interests of the Club. Notice shall be given in writing to any such member and an opportunity given to attend at the following Committee meeting.  Any member who is in three months arrears with their subscription, or is in any debt to the Club, shall be barred from Club activities, all debts and arrears to be paid up before a member is allowed to rejoin the Club.  In case of a dispute, appeals are to be put in writing to the Committee.
  • The Committee will be responsible for maintaining the Racing Rules, Record Rules and rules governing the award of Trophies. The rules will be revised by the Committee as required to ensure that they are fair and reflect any changes made to the racing rules by the governing bodies. The Rules will be available to members and will be published on the web site. The rules will be contained in an Appendix to the Southport Cycling Club Constitution but will not be a part of the constitution





Revision Status


Date Reason
First revised draft 26 August 2012 For comment by Committee
Second revised draft 23 September 2012 Includes comments for review
Third revised draft 31 October 2012 Includes comments for review
Fourth Revised Draft 7th November 2012 Final draft pre AGM
Version for AGM for 2012 26th November 2012 AGM version
Version for web site after AGM 24 December 2012 Para 3 amended as voted and minor typos corrected
Revised Appendix as agreed by Committee 1st September 2013 Racing and Record rules revised
Revised as per AGM December 2014 28th December 2014 Youth replaces Juvenile. Rule 11, 15, 17 amended.
Words in Racing Rules amended 29th January 2015 Clarification of racing rules as per R Cary
Revised as per AGM December 2016 29th December 2016 Rule 5 and Rule 15 amended
Revised as per AGM  December 2017 23rd September 2018 Rule 8 amended. Note that subscriptions for 2018 were set as: Senior Members shall be £25.00. Juniors Members shall be £0.00. Youths shall be £0.00. Family Membership shall be: £35.00senior £25, See MoM of AGM






  1. That the recommendations and rules of Cycling Time Trials, the V.T.T.A. and British Cycling be adopted when conducting club events.


  1. Entry fees shall be paid before the start of the race; this applies to record attempts also.
    Entrance fees in Club events to be: £4 (members and non-members)


  1. All members must be fully paid up before riding in any event.


  1. On the date which the club promotes open events, members shall not ride in any other promotion except at the discretion of the Committee. When the club promotes an “Open Event” members may enter, but if all marshalling points are not covered then the event secretary will assign marshalling duties as required. Those entrants who are required to marshal will have their entry fee refunded.




  1. Club Records can be set by any fully paid up member of the club. The member must remain a member for the full competition year in which a record is set and must represent the Club in any races or time trials in which they compete. Records to be ratified by the committee at the end of the season.


Place to Place records


  1. Seven days notice must be given to the Secretary, before any record attempt is made, together with the record fee of £10.00 per rider.


  1. No record must be attempted on any day on which the Club is holding an event.


  1. All riders must start at the Plough Hotel, Crossens, return to Southport and then turn about to destination, then return to finish at the Plough Hotel.
    Note: The turn in Southport is the Town Hall. The turn at the destination will be specified by the committee.


  1. The standard time for each place-to-place record is One Hour slower than the record. A certificate will be awarded to riders beating Standard Times in record attempts and should a ride prove to be fastest ever, an award will be made at the end of the season.





  1. “Open” or “Senior” trophies are awarded to the member who achieves the best performance irrespective of the age category of the member.







Open  Competition


Awarded for the best average of average speeds recorded at 25, 50 and 100 miles in Club or Open events.


WINNER: Vice Presidents Trophy to be held for 12 months and a Medal or Plaque.


Veterans Competition


Awarded for the best average of average speeds on standard put up at 25, 50 and 100 miles in Club or Open events by members over the age of 40 years.


WINNER:  Veterans B.A.R. Trophy to be held for 12 months and a Medal or Plaque


Junior Competition


The competition shall be based on each entrant’s fastest two performances at 10 miles and fastest two performances at 25 miles in any Club or Open event.  The winner being the rider with the highest average taken of the resultant speeds.


WINNER: The “Morton Cup” to be held for 12 months and a Medal or Plaque.


Ladies Competition


Awarded for the highest average speed at 10 and 25 miles.


WINNER: The “Hubbard Cup” to be held for 12 months and a Medal or Plaque.


Short Distance Competition


Awarded for the best average of average speeds recorded at 10, 25 and 50 miles in club or open events.


WINNER: The “Fen Charlesworth” Challenge Trophy to be held for 12 months and a medal or plaque


25 Mile Championship


Awarded for the highest average of average speeds in 25 mile club events. The winner must complete all the Club 25s in the season.


WINNER: A Medal or Plaque

For competitions involving a “Series of Events


Points will be awarded as follows ; 15 points to the SCC rider with the fastest time.

14 points to the SCC rider with the 2nd fastest time.

13 points to the SCC rider with the 3rd fastest time.

And so on.

Should more than 15 riders record times then all riders below 14th place will be awarded 1 point each.

Positions will be based on VTTA “Standards”


Senior 10 Mile Championship


Awarded for the highest number of points from up to 12 events during the season. Riders who complete more than 12 events will be awarded the maximum points from any 12 events.


WINNER: Trophy donated by Mr. and Mrs.M.G.A. Elsen will be held for 12 months, and a Medal or Plaque. The IAN KIRBY CUP to be presented as the original cup is fully inscribed


Junior 10 Mile Championship


Awarded for the highest number of points from up to 12 events during the season. Riders who complete more than 12 events will be awarded the maximum points from any 12 events.


WINNER: Trophy donated by B. Bladon, will be held for 12 months and a Medal or Plaque.


Veterans 10 Mile Championship


Awarded for the highest number of points from up to 12 events during the season. (Awarding 3,2 or 1 point for the greatest “plus” on standadrd.) Riders who complete more than 12 events will be awarded the maximum points from any 12 events.


WINNER: A Medal or Plaque to be awarded.


Senior and Junior Hilly Time Trial Trophy


Awarded to the winner of the Hilly Time Trial. The Committee to nominate the Hilly Event to count.


WINNER: Trophy donated by L. Ball to be held for 12 months, also a Medal or Plaque The fastest Junior to receive a Medal or Plaque





Senior Road Race Championship


Awarded for the highest number of points shown on a British Cycling licence in events between 1st January and 31st October.  Handicap races not to count.


WINNER: Trophy donated by the Belgian Tourist Board to be held for 12 months, also a Medal or Plaque,


Junior Road Race Championship


Awarded for the highest number of Road Race points on a British Cycling licence as per British Cycling points system on the National Ranking website. Handicap races not to count.


WINNER: A Medal or Plaque.


Youth Road race Trophy


Awarded for the highest number of Road Race points on a British Cycling licence as per British Cycling points system on the National Ranking website. All races to count.


WINNER: A Medal or Plaque.

The Southport Centenary Championship Challenge Shield


Awarded to the winner of a “one mile” cycle race. The race to be open to club members only.


WINNER: The shield presented by the His Worship the Mayor of Southport Alderman G.A.Pilkington in 1892 for a ONE MILE LOCAL BICYCLE RACE to be held for 12 months, also a Medal or Plaque.




Senior and Junior Track Championship.


Awarded to the rider with the highest number of points in the Knowsley Track League.


WINNER: The “Alfred Bird” Memorial Cup to be held for 12 months and a Medal or Plaque


Youth Track Championship


Awarded to the rider with the highest number of points on his British Cycling licence gained in the Knowsley Track League


WINNER:  A Medal or Plaque.


Indoor Track Championship


Awarded  to the rider who gains the most points in any winter season Manchester Track League from 1st November to Easter. All points to be accumulative.


WINNER: The Tommy Jones Memorial Trophy to be held for 12 months, also a medal or plaque.




Awarded to the Club Member who has the highest number of points as shown on the Audax UK web site records for the year. Riders achieving a “Super Randonneur” status in a year will rank above members without an SR in that year.


WINNER: The Randonneur Trophy, also a medal or plaque




Awarded to the winner of the free-wheeling contest.


WINNER: A shield to be held for 12 months , also a medal or plaque




The winner to receive a Medal or Plaque.
The first Youth rider to receive a Medal or Plaque.
The first Youth rider to receive a Medal or Plaque.
A minimum of two Riders to compete






Distance Holder Time/ Distance Date Set Course
10 MILES D.HILTON 20.11 29.8.2009 L1015
25 MILES D.HILTON 51.00 28.6.2009 A25/11
30 MILES F.YATES (V) 1.03.14 10.8.96 V241
50 MILES D.HILTON 1.48.03 6.8.2006 V
100 MILES S.McGING (V) 4.00.32 25.6.2000 A100/4
12 HOURS J.HENDERSON 258  MILES 18.8.2004 L31
24 HOURS S.GINTY   (V) 431.35 MILES 28/29/7/2001 D24/1
10 MILES (2 up) J. STOPFORTH S.McGING    (V) 21.48 15.7.99
25 MILES (2 up) J. STOPFORTH S.McGING    (V) 54.44 24.6.99





Distance Holder Time/ Distance Date Set Course
10 Miles Margaret Biggs 24.31 24/8/71 D54   (Club Event)
15 Miles Margaret Biggs 41.12 4/7/71 V325 (Yorkshire Ladies C.A.) Open Event
25 Miles Yvonne Unsworth 1.6.34 15/6/03 D25/5   (Southport C.C.) Open Event
30 Miles Yvonne Unsworth 1.21.42 20/7/02 VTTA Nat.Champs.) Open Event
50 Miles Margaret Biggs 2.17.30 22/8/71 V352R    (Clifton C.C.) Open Event
100 Miles Margaret Biggs 4.45.02 12/9/71 O100/2A (Midlands C.F.) Open Event
24 Hours Yvonne Unsworth 341.75 Miles 26/27/7/1997 D24/1 (MerseyRoad)Open Event





Course Name Time Date





Course Names Time


