
To join Southport Cycling Club or to renew your membership please click on the following link.

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Upcoming Events

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Event is Cancelled – Fleet Moss & supporting Audax rides Sunday 10th June 2018

Event is Cancelled for this Year

Fleet Moss 216km (133 miles) Start

Lunesdale Populaire 162km (100 miles) Start

Pilgrim’s Way 114km (70 miles) Start  

The rides are open to all cyclists with the determination to go the distance

The rides are a true challenge: navigate yourself between check points
taking in fantastic scenery, wonderful roads and majestic hills

The rides are not races more in the spirit of an event like the London Marathon,
everyone riding at their own pace to finish

Refreshments at the start point including
hot drinks, toast, bacon sandwiches and bananas.
At the finish tea and coffee and soft drinks and  home made food.

More information, maps, route sheets and details via the links above

Head Quarters Claughton Village Hall
has good parking and toilets

Home made cakes will be available with the proceeds going to MacMillan Cancer Support.

Entries through the Audax web site with payment by Paypal or by post.

Claughton Memorial Village Hall, near Garstang. (Grid Ref.    SD 513428)


